The Little Chapel - Bedworth

Bulkington Road, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 9DH.


With the continued prevalence of Covid 19 variants, we respectfully ask that anyone who has tested positive for Covid, or has any Covid, flu, or cold-like symptoms, should stay at home and not attend any in-person services, meetings or events at TLC until you are no longer infectious.


We usually celebrate Holy Communion in church, on the 1st Sunday of the month. Until recently we were using the Fellowship Cups containing sealed wafers and unfermented grape juice. We have recently gone back to the more traditional method of individually cut pieces of bread and cups of fruit juice. We are observing strict hygiene practices for the preparation, and distribution of the bread and wine. If you wish to partake of The Lord’s Supper but are not happy with our procedures, you are welcome to bring your own bread and wine or juice, or ask for a Fellowship Cup if you prefer.


Our Midweek Bible Study and Prayer Group meets on Tuesday evenings at Church, from 7.30pm.


We do not currently rent our premises out to external groups.

The Little Chapel
Bulkington Road, Bedworth
Warwickshire, CV12 9DH

Pastor: Graham Johnson

The ‘TLC’ logo, ‘The Little Chapel in Bedworth’ and all photographs on this website are copyright property of Bedworth Wesleyan Reform Church 2021 and may not be used without permission.